Benita Charles in New York City
Singing Tips by Benita Charles - Tip #37
It is imperative that artists are on time for their obligations and events. This will project a professional image and ensure more work. This week's topic is time management.
In this episode, we had a special guest contributor, Ed "Preachermann" Holley. He has a great sense of time that dates back to childhood. He was an athlete throughout his youth and adult life (baseball & football). His father was a football player and coach and instill great values of line in him. One of the things his father use to say has stayed with him throughout his life:
"Do what you gotta do so that you can do what you want to do."
Here are some key time management points from Preachermann:
*He's known by his friends and people who work with him as someone who is always early.
*He give himself time for "life" (train delays, wardrobe mishaps, traffic). This leads to less stress.
*He arrives at his gigs 2 hours in advance (this allows him to prepare equipment/solve any venue difficulties, sound check, etc). Whatever the issue, he's there to address it early.
* He allows time 10 - 15 minutes before he goes on stage to "center" himself.
A special thanks to Ed "Preachmann" Holley for the valuable information he shared with us!
About Preachermann:
Preachermann is a recording artist/dynamic live performer who performs with his band, Preachermann and The Revival throughout the New York City area. For more information, visit:
Singing Tips by Benita Charles - Tip #37
On this episode on Singing Tips Live, we discussed ways to improve time management.
Effective time management as it affects your image and reputation.
"How you do anything, is how you do everything." -- Martha Beck
3 key ways to improve your time management skills:
A) Commit
*Make a commitment with yourself that you will improve your time and you will improve your time.
B) Prepare (Plan...Plan...Plan)
*Always use a calendar to keep up with your obligations and events.
*Make a list of everything you need to do to prepare for a particular event. Think about the time it will take you to get each thing done.
*Calculate that time into the total amount of time you will need to leave on time. Include extra "cushion" time.
*Prepare the night before for your event (eg. review directions, prepare clothes, bag/purse).
C) Execute
*Leave on time for your event (with the extra "cushion" time calculated into the total time, it will take you to get to your destination)
*Practice Lombardi Time
- Vince Lombardi, the legendary Green Bay Packers Coach, had a motto: always arrive 15 minutes before the appointed time. If you're on time, you're late!
Best wishes to you as you take your voice to the next level!
Much love,
Benita Charles Music
"Spreading love through music for your inspiration and entertainment!"
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